Conference: Different Voices, Different Visions

Broadening Our Imagination of Peace

Thursday | 14.03.19 | 09:30 - 19:00

כנס: קולות שונים, חזונות שונים | מרחיבים את דמיון השלום

The vocabulary of the Israeli peace camp is well known: The 1967 borders, the Oslo Accords, the two-state solution, the occupation, the settlements, Peace Now, and more. The profile of its supporters and opponents among the Jewish population is also identifiable and familiar - the division between the secular-liberal leftist camp and those who are often presented as its opponents, including the national religious, the ultra-Orthodox and right-wing Mizrahim from Israel's social periphery. However, in recent years, we have witnessed initiatives growing outside the circles of the liberal left, among clerics, settlers, and even liberals - Jews and Arabs - who seek to create an alternative conceptual space to the familiar peace discourse.

This symposium seeks to give a platform to those voices and hold a renewed discussion of the meaning and interpretation for the concept of "peace," and of alternative visions of peace. Our hope is that the conceptual space that is created will encourage the search for new, –inclusive, and more effective avenues of thought and action.

The conference was held in collaboration with Shaharit Institute, Tikkun – A Center for Gathering Education and Social Change, The Citizens' Accord Forum, and The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.



Prof. Shai Lavi – Director of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute; Tel Aviv University
Ibrahim Abu Shindi – Co-CEO, The Citizens' Accord Forum
Dr. Eilon Schwartz – Director of Shaharit Institute; Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Do the Jewish-Arab heritages make a contribution to peace efforts?

Adv. Reda Jaber – Director of the Aman Center — the Arab Center for a Safe Society; Fellow at the Mandel School for Educational Leadership
Prof. Haviva Pedaya – Director of the Elyachar Center for Studies in Sephardic Heritage, Ben-Gurion University
Malka Arafat – PhD student, Peace program, University of Córdoba
Moderator: Dr. Meir Buzaglo – Chairman of the Tikkun Movement for the Renewal of Society and Culture in Israel; Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Peace initiatives that connect peace concepts

Gili Re'i – Activist and member of A Land for All
Prof. Said Zeedani - Birzeit University; A Land for All
Michal Froman – Good Neighbors; A Land for All
Yasmin Rubin Cooper – Organizational consultant for social change; Women Wage Peace
Wedad Zaid – Cadet for local government; Women Wage Peace
Liora Hadar – Art and expression emotional therapist; Women Wage Peace
Moderator: Attorney Sagit Peretz Deri


On Religiosity and Peace in Israel

Initial Results of a Survey of Israeli Society

Kineret Sadeh – PhD student, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University


The characteristics of the liberal peace and an outline for possible alternatives

Moderator: Natalie Levy, Shaharit Institute; PhD student, Tel Aviv University

Discussion with audience participation

First Lecturer

Lecturer: Dr. Meir Buzaglo – Chairman of the Tikkun Movement for the renewal of society and culture in Israel; Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Second Lecturer

Lecturer: Dr. Tirza Y. Kelman – Halacha researcher, Ben Gurion University


Summary Session

A discussion with the participation of:

Hadassah Froman – Roots
Nazir Magally – Journalist; Senior Fellow, Shaharit Institute
Dr. Merav Nakar-Sadi – Author and Sociologist
Moderator: Prof. Shai Lavi – Director of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute; Tel Aviv University

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