The research group explores how various feminist theories enable us to think about Feminist Political Subjectivity, its sources, its failures, and the different forms of its construction. The emphasis of the discussion is the specific "toolbox" each of these theories can offer.

The group's central focus is the identification, analysis, and formulation of educational practices directed to promote feminist social change. Our basic assumption is that feminist critique is always examined as an intervention in a concrete social reality, and that education, in the widest sense, is about practices that shape subjectivity. Thus, the group discussions focus on feminist theory as a basis for addressing educational questions: education in and outside the family, education as part of culture and the arts, and education for political citizenship in these arenas.

Some of the questions which particularly interest us are:

  • What is education, and what are "educational relations," from different feminist perspectives?
  • Can contemporary critical discourse be translated into concrete political action that can be seen as educational, or creating an educational space?
  • Which educational conceptions are suggested by critical feminist theories, and can they offer tools for educational political action?
  • Which dimensions of political subjectivity – such as emotions, sexuality, vulnerability – can be a part of educational processes which promote social change?
  • Which processes of feminist education can different artistic mediums enable and support?
  • What is feminist motherhood, feminist fatherhood, feminist parenting, and how can they be contemplated using feminist critical theories?