The Gender Index 2024
Gender Inequality in Israel
Edited by | Hagar Tzameret, Naomi Chazan, Hanna Herzog, Yulia Basin, Ronna Brayer-Garb, Hadass Ben Eliyahu |
Publisher | Van Leer Institute Press |
Language | Hebrew |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Series | Gender Index, Publications of the Center for the Advancement of Women in the Public Sphere (WIPS) |
This is the 12th publication of the Gender Index, an innovative and groundbreaking tool developed by WIPS—The Center for the Advancement of Women in the Public Sphere at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. It systematically monitors patterns of gender inequality in Israel, based on the calculation of gender inequality in key domains: political and economic power; education; labor force participation and segregation; economic security and poverty; media and culture; health; violence against women; time-use; and family status. The Index also addresses issues of diversity by looking at the intersections of gender with ethnicity, religion, and age, enabling us to see how gender inequality is a deeply rooted feature of Israeli society. The Index makes it possible to assign an overall score to gender inequality in Israel on the basis of the aggregate of the factors that determine the status of women in society.
New additions in 2024: Women Colonels in the IDF, ownership of small businesses, and a new domain of gender gaps among people with disabilities.
The prolongation of the war which began on October 7, 2023 exacerbates gender gaps and deepens inequality. This situation is particularly worrisome against the backdrop of significant democratic erosion and rising authoritarianism in Israel. An appropriate response that addresses unique gender-specific needs must be consistent and based on gender-sensitive data, such as the data underlying the Gender Index. The Index therefore provides a vital tool for decision-makers in government, public institutions, and civil society organizations in their efforts to narrow gender gaps and to strengthen Israel's democratic foundations.
The Gender Index in English can be downloaded in PDF form