
The Van Leer Institute Press publishes two academic journals: Theory and Criticism and the Journal of Levantine Studies. Each has two issues per year, and all the articles and essays appearing in them undergo the customary double blind peer review. The press also publishes Hazman Hazeh (These Times). Its articles address current issues and are intended for the general public.


Theory and Criticism

Theory and Criticism is a journal for theoretical thought and critical study that appears twice a year in Hebrew. Since its founding in the early 1990s it has dealt with critical theory in local contexts. The articles that appear in it offer theoretical discussions and new forms of critique, and portray their demands from both scholarship and social praxis. They consider the fundamental questions of theory and criticism in light of the concrete changes in society—in Israel, with all its political and cultural issues, and elsewhere, from a comparative perspective and in a global context.


Hazman Hazeh (These Times)

Hazman Hazeh is a magazine of political thought, culture and science. The magazine publishes articles and essays by leading writers and scholars in Israel and abroad, aiming to offer renewed thinking on key issues that are, or should be, on the public and intellectual agenda in Israel and abroad.


Journal of Levantine Studies

Founded in 2011, Journal of Levantine Studies (JLS) is an interdisciplinary academic journal, dedicated to the critical study of the social, political geographical, and cultural settings which, in various periods of history, have been known as the Levant. As a new platform for theoretical and empirical scholarship, JLS aimed to reclaim the notion of the Levant as a historical and political concept and as a category of identity and classification. The journal is published biannually in English in print and online by the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer-review. As of 2020 JLS issues will reflect research conducted within VLJI’s academic clusters focusing also on regional aspects and questions.


Identities: Journal of Jewish Culture and Identity

Identities: Journal of Jewish Culture and Identity, published between 2011 and 2020, sought to encourage intellectual public discussion of the culture and identity of the Jewish people today. Its articles dealt with the various streams of Judaism and the theoretical, philosophical, and ideological processes taking place within various groups of the Jewish people. The journal served as a platform for discussion of fundamental questions, crises, and new ideas emerging among young scholars and people in the arts, resulting from a dialogue with veteran philosophers and people in the arts in Israel and abroad.

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