
Prof. Bashir Bashir is a senior research fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and an associate professor in the …


Prof. Eva Illouz was born in Fez, Morocco, raised and educated in France and then later in Israel and the United States. …


Prof. Oren Harman studied biology and history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Oxford and Harvard. He teaches at the …


Prof. Avishai Margalit is professor emeritus in philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a member of the Israel …


Prof. Aviad Hacohen is the president of the Sha’arei Mishpat Academic College and served as the dean of its Law School for about a decade. He is …


Prof. Avinoam Rosenak is a senior lecturer in the Departments of Jewish Thought and Jewish Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He completed his …


Ido studies modern Jewish thought in its religious and political contexts. He has a BA and MA in Jewish thought …


Employed at the VLJI until 2020 Lilach is the producer and project coordinator in the Sacredness, Religion, and Secularization cluster …


Employed at the VLJI until 2020 Yael has an MA cum laude in the sociology of education from the Hebrew …


Dr. Raef Zreik is a jurist and a scholar, an expert in political philosophy and the philosophy of law, a …

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