Welcome to the Age of Man: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Challenges of Environmental Thought
Like every living species, humankind has also influenced its environment – and has been influenced by it – since the dawn of its existence. Today, however, the mark of Homo sapiens is deeper, wider, and more decisive than that of almost any other species, modifying our entire planet’s seas, air, and landmasses. Due to the reciprocal nature of these influences, physical, social, and conceptual problems are interrelated as well. This article focuses on the social aspect of our era’s environmental crises. After a general review of the contemporary and global state of the environment, the article reviews today’s main social-environmental challenges through four prisms – energy; economy and consumption; “growth”; government and policy – while referring to the global level and using local Israeli examples for each of these prisms. Finally, the article raises several questions and offers thoughts regarding Man’s place in the world, in light of the problems mentioned.